Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What we wish for our parents

One of my favorite drawings in the book has to be when Junior draws his parents, as he wishes they were. I believe every kid on the planet wants to change their parents to some point. What draws me to this picture is the fact that when I was younger, I wanted my parents to be like my friends mom and dad.
While growing up we had all sorts of toys with engines, such as boats, motorcycles and snowmobiles. It seems that they always had the best of each, while we had used motorcycles and boats, our snowmobiles were new when we got them, but not every other year like they got to ride. I didn't realize exactly how good I had it back then, just like Junior.
My parents loved each and everyone of us growing up, just as Juniors parents did. It was in high school when I found out that my friends dad was abusive, he'd show up with a black eye every once in awhile without an explanation. In hind sight, I was very lucky to have the parent's that I had, just like Junior.
I believe he realized it later in life, just as I did. Any parent that would drive their son twenty miles to go to a different school has to be awfully damn cool, alcoholic or not, he was there for his son most of the time.
I believe that he included these pictures in the book to illustrate his thoughts in a his own unique way. He drew cartoons to kill time growing up due to there not being much else to do on the reservation.

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